Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Movember is For Girls Too

Movember has taken Canada by storm, even Syd the Kid, good ole Nova Scotian walking TBI Hockey Hero, is growing a Movember 'stache. Though I have no idea if he's actually raising money with his moustache.

For those of you who have heard of this "Movember", maybe some yogis sporting a greasy Mo during yoga practice, and wondered "seriously? what gives?" a quick Movember update:

Created in Australia in 2004, men across the globe are encouraged to grow a moustache, from scratch, in order to raise money and awareness for prostate cancer. They finally have a webpage and easy donating-social media pages this year (see the worldwide page to find your country's Movember page).

As wonderful as that all sounds, an interview with co-founder Adam Garone revealed that his group of friends had originally thought of "Movember" as a way to get the moustache back. The charity came afterward as a way to gain sympathy and give the movement more "cred".

Regardless of the reasons, Movember raises millions of dollars every year for prostate cancer, with Canada currently at the TOP having raised over 24 million dollars so far.

Evidence of our shenanigans...

My eco-stache and Andrew's Einstein 'stache. Sadly I couldn't convince him to fundraise...

Last weekend a group of friends met out at a dance bar (wow it's been a while!) for a Movember night out. Not to be left out, us girls Movembered up as well (along with a few non-moustached guys). Thanks to our wonderfully crafty Jen made us all Movember felted staches, mine being a recycled wool sweater.

The gang, can you spot the real "Movember"? Let me tell ya, we even danced with those felted beauties.

So- if you find yourself invited to a Movember event, you're crafty and don't being left out, a Felted 'stache is the way to go!

article and photographs copyright of EcoYogini at 


  1. I like your idea of Movember better - fake ones! Honestly, I don't think too many men can really carry off a mo very well without looking like an 80's porn star or a dodgy salesman. ;)

  2. Those 'stash pictures are so much fun!

  3. Cute idea.

    Real Mo's only look good if they're accompanied by a full beard. I personally go for the Grizzly Adams wildman look;)


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