Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Taking a Leap of Music

I always said I'd never become one of those people who "didn't have time for music" when I "grew up".

For the past four years I've become one of those people.

It's true, I don't have 45minutes a day to practice the piano, another 40min of vocal warmups. Plus, there's the added embarrassment that my apartment building neighbours will hear the terrible AH-EH-EE-OH-OU warmups along with the annoying piano scales. I didn't recognize how different it would be working full time, living in an apartment building, having friends (ok, elementary and high school was rough for me) and being in charge of making my own meals when teenage me made that vow.

It had been four years since I'd written ANYTHING.

This year, I made the vow to write lyrics at least once a week- even if they never turned into a song. Six months later and I've written two songs in the past three weeks. One of them is actually decent. ROCK ON.

Another step back onto the path of my music life is to take a deep breath and beg local coffee shops to let me play. This is scary because a) I haven't performed in four years and b) I'm 30 and c) the Halifax music scene is not an easy place for newcomers.

It's happening!

On Friday, July 27th, I will be singing and playing at JustUs! Spring Garden from 7pm-9pm... Holy Goddess. 

(My set list and songs on my guitar- with Asteya monitoring- wee!)

It's a trifecta, music, yoga and Green- JustUs! offers locally roasted, fair trade organic coffee and teas that taste delicious, actively offer their beverages in for-here mugs FIRST and have a great recycling/composting program set up in the coffee shop. So environmental angle- covered.

Leaping back into music is an important part of my emotional and spiritual growth as well, which plays directly into my yoga practice. I will most certainly be frantically trying to use pranayama calming and grounding techniques so I won't be vomiting in a little brown bag before I start up. Deep breathing and meditation all.the.way.

Have you leapt into anything lately?

article copyright of EcoYogini at


  1. YAY--how exciting and congrats on the opportunity. I'm glad to hear you're returning to music as its evident how much it means to you. Leaps? I feel like I'm leaping all the time over here lately. There's a notecard on my fridge that has Eleanor Roosevelt's quote "Do one thing every day that scares you" and there's something about this separation and turning 30 that I'm all about leaping this year! :) Glad we can leap together!

  2. Yay!!! I'm so excited for you! Thinking of going to the library/public gardens after work to study and then mosey my way over to listen to you perform while I wrap up my studying. I know you're going to be amazing so don't worry about it, you got it in the bag :)

  3. So cool! Wish I lived close enough to see you.

  4. Bonne chance and break a leg! I have faith that your leap will be just as successful as Hanuman's. :) Goddess bless!

  5. You go girl!!! What a wonderful opportunity.


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