Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wearing my Monkey Pants under my Yoga Pants!!

Fun news!

A while back I entered in my little thoughts on a name for Lille's house over at ~This Time Tomorrow~. I really liked "The Lily Pad", it's such a cute, hip name. And out of 94 other peeps, my name was chosen!!!!


Lille is such a beautiful soul, filled with joy, wonder and creativity. Over the past few months, through various emails and reading her blog posts I've come to see her as truly open, honest and thoughtful. I feel blessed to have "met" her over bloggy-land and I someday hope to have her sense of open-heartedness.

The "prize" for winning, other than my name being chosen? A one of a kind, special just pour moi, painting by Lille!!! It arrived today after a long journey through Canada Post (who can be VERY slow over the holidays), just as Andrew was walking out the door for work.

Sigh. I had promised Lille that I would wait until Andrew took pictures of me opening my gift. So off I went to do some Baron Baptiste "Hot Yoga", my first yoga class back after my months of budget-drought.

The painting arrived in this lovely sewing box- yay reusing!
As soon as he walked through the door, before even changing or eating supper, we opened the box.....

Being VERY careful not to cut anything possibly delicate inside.

Ouuuu!!! something is peeking through!

Seriously, I love getting mail... there was a huge mess on the floor...

SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! This is my "I am trying not to tear up cuz it's so perfect" look If you look closely, Lille painted a beautiful Goddess Spiral which sticks out, the middle part is an actual picture of me practicing yoga at the beach this Fall that she painted....

There I am! Lille even put SEA GLASS (sigh, so perfect) all around, with beads and bits. I'm holding up what I like to call "fairy poo" which are clear glass pebbles or marbles... :)

The beautiful spiral... I heart it very much

It's new home- where I can see it everyday that I sit to enjoy my supper, or while I see on our sofa..... A reminder of Joy, Peace, Love and Friendship.

On the back it says "Wear your Monkey Pants under your Yoga Pants!!!"

Absolutely Perfect!

Thank you so very much Lille! I will treasure this piece of Love and Art for years to come!

Many Blessings :)

Article and photos copyright of EcoYogini at


  1. It's gorgeous! Congrats on your lovely prize :)

  2. Locky girl! It is beautiful! I can't wait to see it in person! :)

  3. How beautiful!!!
    The painting and you too!

  4. that is so sweet and perfect for you. what a great friend.

  5. wow that is absolutley stunning- completely beautiful and so mee too! - Fancy posting it over to me so I can have it? No? Really?

    Jen x

  6. This is awesome - the painting & the blog about it! LOVE the photos!! Such energy inherent in every part of this. (And fairy poo...tee hee...)

    Thanks so much for checking out my blog as well ( and leading me here...definitely becoming a follower!

    I love how synchronicity works - I am truly stunned right now. I've been doodling (everywhere!) something very similar to those goddess spirals recently without any clue as to what they are. I can't wait to follow up to see what this means.

    Thank you!

  7. What a fun post! I like the pictures an text. Enjoy your prize!

  8. WOW!!!! Lilly, nailed it. It's perfect and beautiful just like you :)

  9. thanks everyone!

    and thanks for commenting mom :)

  10. This was like Christmas, my birthday, and every holiday I dearly love watching you open your painting, Lisa.

    I didn't know Andrew had proposed to you while you were picking up sea glass. My heart and goal in creating a piece JUST for you was that it would fit you, not just your decor, but fit YOU. I was told by my Reiki therapist that having the color green as your base is a place of strength, like you are standing on solid ground. I didn't know that at the time I added the green stones beneath your yoga mat. Underneath the entire painting I painted positive affirmations.

    Your smile is like the biggest hug I've ever had. You are a blessing, and here at the Lily have a permanent place of honor. Thank you for enriching all of our lives with your beauty~ <3

  11. Isn't Lille the greatest! I had to pop over and see the finished art. She wouldn't let me peek! Enjoy your wonderful prize.

    the other Lily

  12. Awww...Congrats!!!
    You are Adorable!!!
    And it's a beautiful painting!

  13. Congratulations! Lille Diane sent me over here to watch you open it!

  14. Just came across from Lilli's to watch you open it...its just fabulous! Everything about it! Do you think you'll manage to leave it hanging on the wall or will you be walking around with it under your arm for the next month????


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